Course Syllabus
How do I use the Syllabus as an instructor?
*** You can copy and paste your syllabus here from a word processing document
Course #, Course Title
Course Description
Student Learning Outcomes
- Participants will .....................
Class Meetings
Will there be synchronous meetings required for your class? If so, when? Or will all material and activities be offered asynchronously, meaning the students can access them anytime?
Instructor Contact
[Your Name Here]
Office Hours: [days, hours, place]
[Take information from your syllabus and add to this section]
Read the course syllabus. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! Be sure you understand all course policies, when quizzes and homework are due, know how you will be graded and are aware of important due dates. If you have questions about course policies, contact me via CANVAS email so I can clarify the issue.
Pay attention to deadlines and assignment dates. This is BIG! When you don't check for class updates or get your assignments in on time it’s very easy to fall behind in the class.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. My professors always told me that there are no “dumb” questions in academia. Most of the time, your confusion is shared with your peers, so asking questions not only benefits yourself but also your classmates! You can email me in CANVAS.
Have a backup plan. All computers eventually suffer failures. Have a plan in case yours goes down; know where you can find a backup computer in case of emergency and know how to operate its various programs. Back up or copy your homework onto your email account/ or back-up disk regularly.
Log onto CANVAS Frequently. You should try to log on at least once a day (at least five days a week and more often if possible). Develop a logon routine that's comfortable with your schedule. Online classes tend to generate a large number of posts and announcements. If you don't logon for a few days you will be overwhelmed and might have trouble catching up.
Respond promptly to messages. In the online environment, you are invisible to the rest of the class. If you don't respond, we will think you didn't get the message or don't want to respond. When you respond it's like saying, "I'm here!" If you can't respond immediately, at least send a quick note saying "I received your message and will reply this evening."
Participate. You attend the online class by participating. You send messages and complete assignments before the due date; that's how you show that you are "present." If you lurk (remain silent) then you are "absent."
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |