Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus: English 101
Introduction to College Reading and Composition
Focus on Climate Science!
Instructor Contact Information
- Instructor Name: Piper Rooney - please call me Piper :-)
- GCC Email: piper@glendale.eduOR click on "Inbox" in Canvas
- My Office Phone: 818 240 1000 extension 5342 however, email is a much more effective way to reach me.
Online Office Hours Through ConferZoom:Wednesday: 4-5:00 p.m.
- If you can't attend office hours at this time, please email me and we can make an appointment for a time that suits us both.
These quick links will take you to individual pages in the Syllabus, or you can go to Modules to find the Syllabus Module in which these Canvas pages live and which you can move through by clicking the "Next" button at the bottom of each page.
- "About Your English 101 Course"
- "Student Learning Outcomes"
- "Required Materials for Class"
- "Course Policies"
- "Grades and Grading Criteria"
- "Student Services and Resources"
- "Syllabus Quiz"*
*The Syllabus Quiz will not open until you have read through each linked Page (above) in the Syllabus Module.
Return to HomePage by clicking on the link.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |