Final Exam

  • Due Jun 15, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit 200 Minutes


Timed Final Exam

Welcome to your final exam. You have 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete an essay response to a question based on the Podcast from "Matter of Degrees."

Choose ONE prompt and write a single essay. (Remember to compose in a word processing program; save frequently, then copy and paste your response into the answer box. If I cannot access your essay it is as if you have not submitted one.)

Your essay should

  • have a clear introduction, body, and concluding set of thoughts (15 points);
  • provide evidence from the podcast, the knowledge you have gained throughout the course from our assigned readings, and your own research (40 points);
  • where possible, include citations or signal phrases to indicate where your quotations, summaries, and/or paraphrases of evidence have come from (10 points);
  • show your reasoning/logic as you develop your argument (30 points);
  • time permitting, show signs of proofreading (standard grammar or coherent claims, conventional spelling, etc.) (5 points).

Use these criteria and point allocations as your rubric, to guide your efforts and to understand my grading.

You are welcome and encouraged to include any images that you consider relevant and helpful to your discussion.

Strive to reach between 750-900 words in your essay. You may go over 900, but try hard not to submit less than 750.

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